Aerofly FS 2 is a next generation flight simulator open for add-ons and sets a high value on realistic flight physics, highly detailed aircraft and a stunning, photo realistic scenery. World wide coverage of elevation data and aerial images is included with Aerofly FS 2. At the same time, Aerofly FS 2 features an intuitive user interface and requires virtually no training time.
Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator Crack
So, I think we need to give the team a break. I'm sure (or at least I hope) that when people in this forum say things like "progress is slow" and "don't expect any updates soon", that they don't mean to be insulting, but it makes me wince on IPACS' behalf when I read it! Those who understand a fraction of the work that goes in to making this stuff work appreciate that it all takes time and that development and testing effort is usually measured in months, not days or weeks. Look at how long it took the might of Microsoft to attempt a new flight simulator project (Microsoft Flight) and then see how long that lasted! 2ff7e9595c