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One Direction Up All Night Deluxe Version Zip


Once you notice that he can roll both directions during the day,let him flip back over on his own at night. If he has already learnedindependent sleep skills and can put himself to sleep at bedtime, he shouldeasily go back to sleeping a solid 11-12-hour night after a week or two ofneeding assistance at night.

One Direction Up All Night Deluxe Version Zip

  • Support: Signs and object markers are shown for one direction of travel only.

  • Standard: Devices similar to those depicted shall be placed for the opposite direction of travel.

  • Pavement markings no longer applicable to the traffic pattern of the roadway shall be removed or obliterated before any new traffic patterns are open to traffic.

  • Temporary barriers and end treatments shall be crashworthy.

  • Guidance: If the tangent distance along the temporary diversion is more than 600 feet, a Reverse Curve sign, left first, should be used instead of the Double Reverse Curve sign, and a second Reverse Curve sign, right first, should be placed in advance of the second reverse curve back to the original alignment.

  • When the tangent section of the diversion is more than 600 feet, and the diversion has sharp curves with recommended speeds of 30 mph or less, Reverse Turn signs should be used.

  • Where the temporary pavement and old pavement are different colors, the temporary pavement should start on the tangent of the existing pavement and end on the tangent of the existing pavement.

  • Option: Flashing warning lights and/or flags may be used to call attention to the warning signs.

  • On sharp curves, large arrow signs may be used in addition to other advance warning signs.

  • Delineators or channelizing devices may be used along the diversion.

Figure 6H-7 Road Closure with a Diversion (TA-7)

  • Option: For low-volume situations with short work zones on straight roadways where the flagger is visible to road users approaching from both directions, a single flagger, positioned to be visible to road users approaching from both directions, may be used (see Chapter 6E).

  • The ROAD WORK AHEAD and the END ROAD WORK signs may be omitted for short-duration operations.

  • Flashing warning lights and/or flags may be used to call attention to the advance warning signs. A BE PREPARED TO STOP sign may be added to the sign series.

  • Guidance: The buffer space should be extended so that the two-way traffic taper is placed before a horizontal (or crest vertical) curve to provide adequate sight distance for the flagger and a queue of stopped vehicles.

  • Standard: At night, flagger stations shall be illuminated, except in emergencies.

  • Guidance: When used, the BE PREPARED TO STOP sign should be located between the Flagger sign and the ONE LANE ROAD sign.

  • When a grade crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it is anticipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might extend through the grade crossing, the TTC zone should be extended so that the transition area precedes the grade crossing.

  • When a grade crossing equipped with active warning devices exists within the activity area, provisions should be made for keeping flaggers informed as to the activation status of these warning devices.

  • When a grade crossing exists within the activity area, drivers operating on the left-hand side of the normal center line should be provided with comparable warning devices as for drivers operating on the right-hand side of the normal center line.

  • Early coordination with the railroad company or light rail transit agency should occur before work starts.

  • Option: A flagger or a uniformed law enforcement officer may be used at the grade crossing to minimize the probability that vehicles are stopped within 15 feet of the grade crossing, measured from both sides of the outside rails.

Figure 6H-10 Lane Closure on a Two-Lane Road Using Flaggers (TA-10)

  • Option: This TTC zone application may be used as an alternate to the TTC application shown in Figure 6H-10 (using flaggers) when the following conditions exist: Vehicular traffic volume is such that sufficient gaps exist for vehicular traffic that must yield.

  • Road users from both directions are able to see approaching vehicular traffic through and beyond the worksite and have sufficient visibility of approaching vehicles.

  • The Type B flashing warning lights may be placed on the ROAD WORK AHEAD and the ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD signs whenever a night lane closure is necessary.

Figure 6H-11 Lane Closure on a Two-Lane Road with Low Traffic Volumes (TA-11)

  • Standard: When crosswalks or other pedestrian facilities are closed or relocated, temporary facilities shall be detectable and shall include accessibility features consistent with the features present in the existing pedestrian facility.

  • Guidance: Where high speeds are anticipated, a temporary traffic barrier and, if necessary, a crash cushion should be used to separate the temporary sidewalks from vehicular traffic.

  • Audible information devices should be considered where midblock closings and changed crosswalk areas cause inadequate communication to be provided to pedestrians who have visual disabilities.

  • Option: Street lighting may be considered.

  • Only the TTC devices related to pedestrians are shown. Other devices, such as lane closure signing or ROAD NARROWS signs, may be used to control vehicular traffic.

  • For nighttime closures, Type A Flashing warning lights may be used on barricades that support signs and close sidewalks.

  • Type C Steady-Burn or Type D 360-degree Steady-Burn warning lights may be used on channelizing devices separating the temporary sidewalks from vehicular traffic flow.

  • Signs, such as KEEP RIGHT (LEFT), may be placed along a temporary sidewalk to guide or direct pedestrians.

Figure 6H-28 Sidewalk Detour or Diversion (TA-28)

  • Standard: The illustrated information shall be used only when the vehicular traffic volume indicates that two lanes of vehicular traffic shall be maintained in the direction of travel for which one lane is closed.

  • Option: The procedure may be used during a peak period of vehicular traffic and then changed to provide two lanes in the other direction for the other peak.

  • Guidance: For high speeds, a LEFT LANE CLOSED XX FT sign should be added for vehicular traffic approaching the lane closure, as shown in Figure 6H-32.

  • Conflicting pavement markings should be removed for long-term projects. For short-term and intermediate-term projects where this is not practical, the channelizing devices in the area where the pavement markings conflict should be placed at a maximum spacing of 1/2 S feet where S is the speed in mph. Temporary markings should be installed where needed.

  • If the lane shift has curves with recommended speeds of 30 mph or less, Reverse Turn signs should be used.

  • Where the shifted section is long, a Reverse Curve sign should be used to show the initial shift and a second sign should be used to show the return to the normal alignment.

  • If the tangent distance along the temporary diversion is less than 600 feet, the Double Reverse Curve sign should be used at the location of the first Two Lane Reverse Curve sign. The second Two Lane Reverse Curve sign should be omitted.

  • Standard: The number of lanes illustrated on the Reverse Curve or Double Reverse Curve signs shall be the same as the number of through lanes available to road users, and the direction of the reverse curves shall be appropriately illustrated.

  • Option: A longitudinal buffer space may be used in the activity area to separate opposing vehicular traffic.

  • Where two or more lanes are being shifted, a W1-4 (or W1-3) sign with an ALL LANES (W24-1cP) plaque (see Figure 6F-4) may be used instead of a sign that illustrates the number of lanes.

  • Where more than three lanes are being shifted, the Reverse Curve (or Turn) sign may be rectangular.

  • A work vehicle or a shadow vehicle may be equipped with a truck-mounted attenuator.

Figure 6H-31 Lane Closures on a Street with Uneven Directional Volumes (TA-31)

  • Standard: Pavement markings no longer applicable shall be removed or obliterated as soon as practical. Except for intermediate-term and short-term situations, temporary markings shall be provided to clearly delineate the temporary travel path. For short-term and intermediate-term situations where it is not feasible to remove and restore pavement markings, channelization shall be made dominant by using a very close device spacing.

  • Guidance: When paved shoulders having a width of 8 feet or more are closed, channelizing devices should be used to close the shoulder in advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffic to remain within the traveled way.

  • Where channelizing devices are used instead of pavement markings, the maximum spacing should be 1/2 S feet where S is the speed in mph.

  • If the tangent distance along the temporary diversion is less than 600 feet, a Double Reverse Curve sign should be used instead of the first Reverse Curve sign, and the second Reverse Curve sign should be omitted.

  • Option: Warning lights may be used to supplement channelizing devices at night.

  • A truck-mounted attenuator may be used on the work vehicle and/or the shadow vehicle.

Figure 6H-32 Half Road Closure on a Multi-Lane, High-Speed Highway (TA-32)

  • Guidance: The lane shift should be used when the work space extends into either the right-hand or left-hand lane of a divided highway and it is not practical, for capacity reasons, to reduce the number of available lanes.

  • Support: When a lane shift is accomplished by using (1) geometry that meets the design speed at which the permanent highway was designed, (2) full normal cross-section (full lane width and full shoulders), and (3) complete pavement markings, then only the initial general work-zone warning sign is required.

  • Guidance: When the conditions in Note 2 are not met, the information shown in the typical application should be employed and all the following notes apply.

  • Standard: Temporary traffic barriers, if used, shall comply with the provisions of Section 6F.85.

  • The barrier shall not be placed along the shifting taper. The lane shall first be shifted using channelizing devices and pavement markings.

  • Guidance: A warning sign should be used to show the changed alignment.

  • Standard: The number of lanes illustrated on the Reverse Curve signs shall be the same as the number of through lanes available to road users, and the direction of the reverse curves shall be appropriately illustrated.

  • Option: Where two or more lanes are being shifted, a W1-4 (or W1-3) sign with an ALL LANES (W24-1cP) plaque (see Figure 6F-4) may be used instead of a sign that illustrates the number of lanes.

  • Where more than three lanes are being shifted, the Reverse Curve (or Turn) sign may be rectangular.

  • Guidance: Where the shifted section is longer than 600 feet, one set of Reverse Curve signs should be used to show the initial shift and a second set should be used to show the return to the normal alignment. If the tangent distance along the temporary diversion is less than 600 feet, a Double Reverse Curve sign should be used instead of the first Reverse Curve sign, and the second Reverse Curve sign should be omitted.

  • If a STAY IN LANE sign is used, then solid white lane lines should be used.

  • Standard: The minimum width of the shoulder lane shall be 10 feet.

  • For long-term stationary work, existing conflicting pavement markings shall be removed and temporary markings shall be installed before traffic patterns are changed.

  • Option: For short-term stationary work, lanes may be delineated by channelizing devices or removable pavement markings instead of temporary markings.

  • Guidance: If the shoulder cannot adequately accommodate trucks, trucks should be directed to use the travel lanes.

  • The use of a barrier should be based on engineering judgment.

  • Option: Type C Steady-Burn warning lights may be placed on channelizing devices and the barrier parallel to the edge of the pavement for nighttime lane closures.

Figure 6H-36 Lane Shift on a Freeway (TA-36) 2ff7e9595c


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